Postpartum Depressive Disorder

Most women experience the “baby blues,” which consists of having your mood go up and down. This can include feeling sad and irritable at times, and anxious about having a new baby. These feelings, however, usually go away after about two weeks. However, some new mothers experience a Postpartum Depressive Disorder that requires professional help. Some of the symptoms of Postpartum Depression Disorder are: sleeping difficulties, lack of interest in your baby, incessant crying, sadness, thoughts of harming your baby, or extreme irritability. Experiencing those feeling could cause shame and guilt. However, if you are experiencing these difficulties, you likely need professional help. With treatment, you will be able to enjoy your baby, and be able to feel more like yourself again.
If you are not sure if what you are experiencing requires professional help, I will be happy to provide you with a free 20 minute phone consultation.